Just a quick update. The second half of planning and preparation is happening today at my place. If you haven't already emailed me for directions and are planning to come, please email kehenry1-AT-hotmail-dot-com for directions.
We have most of our stuff, but may need plan B for some of the painting if the weather stays uncooperative. I actually came up with part of "plan B". If it remains to cold to paint the signs, I have some foam cut out letters and some special adhesive along with shamrock stickers. Lots of great ideas for some signs.
The main issue will be painting the "coins" for our pot of gold. However, I have plan B for that, too. We will use gold mylar foil if it's too cold and the paint won't set up.
On another front, Darice says that the rainbow for the float is partially painted. They had to stop because the rain came early on Wednesday. It was just her and Beccah. If you can help next week, please email KC Soldiers' Angels for time and place.
Remember, the parade is March 10th and we are still looking for people to walk with us and/or stand on the side lines and cheer when we go by. Hopefully, take pictures, too.
Meeting time and place to be announced shortly. Please stay tuned to the blog and email for information. - May no soldier go unloved