Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Operation Aces High: Photos

I'll have some video soon. I've posted a few pictures that I had from the ride here, but the rest can be found at my photobucket, Operation Aces High.

These are just a teaser.

This is the main group of KC Angels that made this happen. They worked hard from early morning until early evening to make this happen for our troops.

Deby Frerichs came with the smoker and some great KC BBQ. Watch out, KC Master Piece. Next thing you know, we'll have Soldiers' Angels BBQ Sauce for sale in the angel store.

Riders and Angels, wheels to wing tips.

One of the great bikes that showed for our ride.

Our grand prize for high hand was a flag flown in Afghanistan complete with a certificate of authenticity.

Angels and riders that made this happen.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket