Monday, May 07, 2007

Soldiers' Angels: You Were There When It Counted

I read a great message in the forums that everyone should hear:

"Hello and good evening,
I just wanted to drop a line to say thank you for all that you have done. My soldiers of the 1-14 CRT, Squadron, Cavalry, 3rd Brigade, (STRYKER Brigade) are very appreciative of all that you all have done for us. On the night that our FOB,was attacked by 17+ mortars, one hit our ammo storage and gave us a fireworks of our own ammo that my soldiers would never forget. It even made the news. When the dust cleared we had been humbled. We were, (due to un-exploded ordnance) stuck in our barracks. The dining facility was all but destroyed, as well as the gym, laundry facility and MWR. We also had no bath water. We could not leave the barracks. If it wasn't for the, "Soldiers' Angels" and all the packages they sent to us, we would have starved the first few days. Thank you for being there when it truly counted. I just wanted to tell you all that."

Be there when it counts. Join Soldiers' Angels and help support our troops.

- May no soldier go unloved